July 2024 Product Update

July 2024 Product Update

July 19, 2024

Accelario Product Update July 2024

We continually strive to enhance our Test Data Management platform to meet the evolving needs of our users. We’re excited to announce several significant product updates that improve functionality and user experience for our Data Anonymization and Database Virtualization. Here’s a breakdown of the latest Accelario product update for July 2024:

Data Anonymization Improvements

  1. Better Visibility: Complete log texts are now viewable in the interface, ensuring you have full access to all log details.
  2. Filtering Functionality: The ability to filter log files directly from the interface makes it easier to find specific information.
  3. Support for Large Logs: Our system now handles large log files smoothly, ensuring uninterrupted operations.
  4. Log File Navigation: Easily access any log file, improving efficiency in data management tasks.
  5. Auto Refresh Capability: The ‘Auto-Refresh’ feature updates log views efficiently, ensuring you always see the latest data.
  6. Correct Display of Long Messages: Long text messages in logs are displayed correctly, preventing data truncation issues.

Data Virtualization Enhancements

  1. Point-In-Time Recovery for Oracle VDB: This new feature allows users to recover an Oracle database to a specific moment in time, enhancing data recovery capabilities and providing greater flexibility in managing restorations.
  2. Script Generation for Easier Implementations: For customers who lack sufficient knowledge to write REST API scripts, this feature allows scheduling through the UI, improving ease of use and implementation.

Discover the New Features Today

We invite you to explore these exciting new features in the Accelario Database Virtualization and Data Anonymization. Our commitment to providing top-notch test data management solutions drives us to continuously improve our products, ensuring you have the best tools at your disposal.

For more information or to see the new features in action, contact us today.